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Anesthesia Malpractice
Birth Trauma Lawyers
Birth Injuries and Cerebral Palsy

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Delayed Cancer Diagnosis
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Federal Tort Claim Litigation
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Traumatic Brain Injury
Workplace Injury

Wrongful Death

Our attorneys have extensive experience in representing military members and their families who have been injured by the negligence of the United States Government and its employees. Our attorneys have handled many cases of medical malpractices arising in military medical treatment facilities and Veteran’s Hospitals through out the United States. Howard S. Richman is a former Major in the US Army JAG Corps and a former Claims Judge Advocate.

When the US decided to allow itself to be sued for its own negligence it wrote the procedure and the rules of the road that permit individuals to sue the United States as if was a private person. Those rules are found in the Federal Tort Claims Act and The Military Claims Act just to name a few of the many Claims Acts that impose liability upon the United States for its negligent acts.

The attorneys at Grant Richman, PLLC have extensive experience in representing the rights of military members, their dependents, retirees and veteran’s under the many claims acts that can at times appear to put road blocks and obstacles in front of the military community in protecting their rights.

Our lawyers will represent you under a contingent fee agreement as set out in the Federal Tort Claims statute. The attorneys at Grant Richman, PLLC handle medical malpractice, auto wreck matters, injuries on bases and installations, recreational injury as well as claims that arise in foreign countries at the hands of military personnel and contractors.

Click here for a link to our case inquiry form.



New York & New Jersey - 845-271-4633                North Carolina - 828-464-2391

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