Burn injuries are the third leading cause of unintentional
death in the United States, behind auto accidents and slip and
falls. Injuries from electrocution are also on the rise. Burn
victims often live with debilitating injuries, disfigurement,
emotional scarring, and pain for the rest of their lives. Burns
affect the largest organ of the human body, the skin, and often
have long and slow recovery periods. When burn injuries occur
because of the negligence, carelessness, or recklessness of
others, you need an attorney who will stand up for your rights. Severe burns can result from a variety of circumstances,
- Chemicals
- Defective Household Products
- Defective household appliances
- House and building fires
- Vehicle fires
- Drain Cleaners
- Defective industrial equipment
- Spilled food and beverages
- Power lines
- Medical accidents
- Explosions
- Electrical arcs
- Chemical exposure
- Job-related accidents